Praise God—Sunday is almost here. In order to get ready for church, here are some great words from Jonathan Edwards’, “The Religious Affections” book. . . .
“Spiritual understanding primarily consists in this sense or taste of the moral beauty of divine things; so that no knowledge can be called spiritual, any fur-ther than it arises from this and has this in it. . . .“When the true beauty and amiableness of the holiness, or true moral good, that is in divine things is discovered to the soul, it, as it were, opens a new world to its view. This shows the glory of all the perfections of God and of every thing appertaining to the divine Being. . . . It is by seeing the excellence of Christ’s Person that the saints are made sensible of the preciousness of His blood, and its sufficiency to atone for sin; for therein consists the pre-ciousness of Christ’s blood, that it is the blood of so excellent and amiable a Person."