Praise God—it is almost Sunday. We get to go back to church! In order to help us get ready for the Sabbath worship of the True God, here are some good words from Jonathan Edwards. This comes from his sermon, entitled, “Safety, Fulness, and Sweet Refreshment in Christ.” . . .
“Those who come to Christ, need not be afraid of God’s wrath for their sins; for God’s honor will not suffer by their escaping punishment and being made happy. . . . But if they go to Christ, the honor of God’s majesty and authority will not be in the least hurt by their being freed and made happy. For what Christ has done has repaired God’s honor to the full. . . . God hates our sins, but not more than He delights in Christ’s obedience which He performed on our account. This is a sweet savor to Him, a savor of rest. God is abundantly compensated, He desires no more; Christ’s righteousness is of infinite worthi-ness and merit."