Thank God—Sunday is almost here. In order to help get us ready for church, here are good words from John Colquhoun, from his, “Christ As The Lord Our Righteousness” sermon. . . .
“The Lord Jesus then, may be called His people’s Righteousness since He actually fulfilled all righteousness for them by yielding to the law as a cove-nant, perfect holiness of nature, perfect obedience of life, and complete satis-faction for sin by death; so that as they have His holiness of nature and right-eousness of life to plead in answer to the law’s demand of perfect obedience as the condition of life, and His death in answer to its demand of satisfaction for sin.“ . . . The Lord Jesus, therefore, having fulfilled perfect and everlasting right-eousness, brought it in and presented it to the Father who, having accepted and sustained it for the justification of all who believe, lodged it with Him as Prime Minster of Heaven that as He wrought it out in the low condition of a bondservant, so He might dispense it in the exalted character of the Father’s honorary Servant. Accordingly, He is said to be made of God unto us Right-eousness; and in Isaiah 45:24 we have these words: ‘Surely shall one say, “In the Lord have I righteousness,” ' that is, in the Lord Jesus Christ. . . . "