Today's encouragement comes from Genesis 24:3a, where we read these words:
"And I will make you swear by the LORD, the God of heaven and the God of the earth . . . "I like this phrase: "The God of heaven and the God of the earth.” Let us focus on the "earth” part for a moment. Are we ever tempted to think that God runs heaven; but that the devil, or maybe sinners own the earth? If we are, our theology is not very good. The truth is that God is The Supreme Governor of everything: the earth, (as well as heaven).
The Lord put earth under man's feet; and we are His vice-regents, to rule and tend it. But, in the most supreme sense, the Lord is "God of the earth." Let the church be thankful for this; and let us commit ourselves to serving our Christ very well while we are here.
[Puritan quote of the day: "Whoever is set up on earth, they are set up by our Lord. 'By Me,' says He, 'kings reign, and princes decree justice.' " —John Bunyan, in, "All Loves Excelling"]