"The LORD said to my Lord, 'Sit at My right hand, till I make Your enemies Your footstool.' "
Are you in a worried state, as you consider the political climate of these times? If so, you are not alone. But, if you are a sincere churchman, then you have a huge advantage. You have the privilege of believing the truth of the word of God, which teaches (unequivocally) that Christ will (and does) put all His enemies under His feet.
If this is so--and clearly it is--then we can take comfort. We are still commanded to pray, to be good citizens, and to be submissive and loyal--but we can also rest in the fact that God rectifies all wrongs, and that the Son of God conquers all His foes. Let us bless God for these amazing truths.
[Puritan quote of the day: "To read the word [of God] is a duty, but Satan sometimes puts men upon it when it is unseasonable. To read it at home when God's word is being preached, or the sacrament administered, is unseasonable, yea, sinful . . . " --Thomas Watson, in "The Lord's Prayer"]