"The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want."
These familiar words of David (above) wed together the ownership God has of His people with the fact that their needs and legitimate desires will be taken care of. David seems to be saying, "Since I have the Lord, everything is covered."
On the other hand, those who do not possess Christ by faith "want," or are in need of *everything.* They have nothing of value, and their lives are devoid of positive purpose and meaning. Let all the church rejoice in that we are in our Redeemer's "sheepfold"; and let us be compassionate toward those who are not, as we seek to bring the gospel to them.
[Puritan quote of the day: "Faith is to be prized, and other things undervalued, at least not to be trusted to as the chief [good]."
--Richard Sibbes, in, "The Soul's Conflict with Itself"]