"God's providence reaches to all places, persons, and occurrences. (1.) To all places: 'Am I a God at hand, and not a God afar off?' (Jer 23:23). The diocese where Providence visits is very large; it reaches to heaven, earth, and sea. 'They that go down to the sea, see the won-
ders of God in the deep,' (Psa 107:23, 24). Now, that the sea, which [appears to be] higher than the earth, should not drown the earth, is a wonder of Providence. The prophet Jonah saw the wonders of God in the deep, when the very fish which devoured him and swallowed him brought him safe to shore.
"(2.) God's providence reaches to all persons, especially the persons of the godly, who in a special manner are taken notice of. God takes care of every saint in particular, as if He had none else to care for. 'He cares for you,' (1 Pet 5:7), i.e., the elect in a special manner. 'The eye of the Lord is upon them that fear Him; to preserve them from death, and to keep them alive in famine,' (Psa 33:18, 19). God by His providential care shields off dangers from His people, and sets a life-guard of angels about them, (Psa 34:7). God's providence keeps the very bones of the saints, (Psa 34:20). It bottles their tears, (Psa 56:8). It strengthens the saints in their weakness, (Heb 11:34). It supplies all their wants out of its alms basket, (Psa 23:5). Thus Providence won-
derfully supplies the wants of the elect."