" . . . Outside were conflicts, inside were fears."
Church life, with all its attendant human relationships, is both the most glorious of all fellowships; but it can also be the most painful and grievous. The Apostle Paul is describing (above) how he himself felt, in regard to the Corinthian church, after he was forced to up-
braid them for their sin (in a previous, no longer extant epistle).
The whole thing had made Paul sad, nervous, and even "fearful." He was finally comforted by Titus' report (cf. v. 6 ff.)--but in the mean-
time he was quite tortured in his soul. In light of all this, let us who are sincere churchmen be aware that we "put our hearts on the line" when we join in covenant with others (in the church). Though it can sometimes be very painful; it is always the right thing to do--since Jesus set us the example, by shedding His precious blood for us (in the church).
[Puritan quote of the day: "Trust [God] where you cannot trace Him. God is most in His way, when we think He is most out of the way."
--Thomas Watson, in, "A Body of Divinity"]