der to get us ready, here is Thomas Watson, from his book, "The Ten Commandments." TW is dealing with love to God here. . . .
"What is love?
"It is a holy fire kindled in the affections, whereby a Christian is car-
ried out strongly after God as the supreme good. What is the antece-
dent of love to God?
"The antecedent of love is knowledge. The Spirit shines upon the un-
derstanding, and discovers the beauties of wisdom, holiness, and mercy in God; and these are the loadstone [magnet] to entice and draw out love to God; 'Ignoti nulla cupido': such as know not God can-
not love Him. If the sun be set in the understanding, there must needs be night in the affections.
"Wherein does the formal nature of love consist?
"The nature of love consists in delighting in an object. 'Complacentia amantis in amato': [The lover's delight in his beloved], Aquinas. This is loving God, to take delight in Him. 'Delight yourself also in the Lord,' (Psa 37:4), as a bride delights herself in her jewels. Grace
changes a Christian's aims and delights.
"How must our love to God be qualified?
"(1) If it be a sincere love, we love God with all our heart. 'You shall love the Lord your God with all thy heart.' God will have the whole heart. We must not divide our love between him and sin. The true mother would not have the child divided, nor will God have the heart divided; it must be the whole heart.
"(2) We must love God 'propter se,' for Himself, for His own intrinsic excellencies. We must love Him for His loveliness. 'Meretricius est amor plus annulum quam sponsum amare': 'It is a harlot's love to love the portion more than the person.' Hypocrites love God because He gives them corn and wine: we must love God for Himself; for those shining perfections which are in Him."