"And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a king-
dom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these king-
doms, and it shall stand forever."
Daniel is speaking to Nebuchadnezzar here, and is explaining the king's dream. The "kingdom" that Daniel is referring to here, is the establishment of, and the proliferation of the New Covenant church, by the Lord Jesus Christ. This kingdom is now in the process of "break[ing] in[to] pieces" all opposing "kingdoms."
Some of these counterfeit "kingdoms" arise even among professing, er-
rant Christians. Others of them are wholly and self-proclaimedly "anti-Christian." All of them will fall, at the feet of King Jesus. For this, let us give Him praise--even now.
[Puritan quote of the day: "Many, in a fit of terror, are willing to do or to suffer anything to keep out of hell and go to heaven; but when the fit is over, they will not deny themselves and take up the cross to follow Christ." --Isaac Ambrose, in, "The Christian Warrior"]