" . . . Lot, who was oppressed by the filthy conduct of the wick-
ed . . . "
As I read these words (above) this morning, I was struck by how much vileness the godly person has to be exposed to, in these Dark Ages in which we live. There was a time (not that long ago) when even-civilly decent people (who may not have claimed any form of Christianity) would have been appalled by what we routinely have to see and hear today.
But, in fact, this has always been the case--and Lot (who was no para-
digm of virtue himself) was also subjected to it. He lived in a city that celebrated sodomy and perversions of every sort. Today, as then, God's enemies are "on the march," and are determined to get their way. Still, we know that we believers are on the winning side (in Jesus); and that God will judge all His foes. For this, let us give our Lord thanks and praise.
[Puritan quote of the day: "Repentance is a pure gospel grace. The covenant of works admitted no repentance; there it was, sin and die. Repentance came in by the gospel." --Thomas Watson, in, "The Doc-
trine of Repentance"]