"I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom: Preach the word! . . . "
God delights in His gospel (word) being preached. He is more concern-
ed that preaching takes place, than if anyone ever believes the mes-
sage, or not. The preached word inhibits the spread and growth of heresy, (see vv. 3-4); it emboldens the minister for the endurance of afflictions, (v. 5); and it builds up the saints in their holy faith--all the while calling sinners to Christ.
Pray that your minister preach the word, and that he does not substi-
tute this precious ordinance with entertainment, religious "gooblety-gook," and general stupidity. Pray that he takes on the enemies of God, and that he brings you the good news of peace, in Jesus' precious blood.
[Puritan quote of the day: "God bestows more goodness upon one god-
ly man than upon all the ungodly in the world." --Jonathan Edwards, in his sermon, "Christians a Chosen Generation"]