Friday, November 18, 2011

Fri.-Sabbath, 11/18-20/11 Devotion

Hallelujah--it's almost Sunday again! We *get* to go back to church. Here's Richard Sibbes, from his, "The Bruised Reed" book. . . .


"Lastly, they carry themselves very unkindly towards Christ who stumble at His low stooping to us in His government and ordinances--that are ashamed of the simplicity of the gospel, that count preaching foolishness. They, out of the pride of their heart, think that they may do well enough without the help of the Word and sacraments, and think Christ did not take enough dignity upon Him; and therefore they will mend the matter with their own devices so that they may give better satisfaction to flesh and blood . . . What greater unthankful-
ness can there be than to despise any help that Christ in mercy has provided for us? In the days of His flesh the proud Pharisees took of-
fense at His familiar conversing with sinful men, though He only did so as a physician to heal their souls. What defenses was Paul driven to make for himself, for his plainness in unfolding the gospel? The more Christ, in Himself and in His servants, shall descend to exalt us, the more we should, with all humility and readiness, entertain that love and magnify the goodness of God, that has put the great work of our salvation, and laid the government, upon so gentle a Saviour as will carry Himself so mildly in all things wherein He is to deal between God and us, and us and God. The lower Christ comes down to us, the higher let us lift Him up in our hearts. So will all those do that have ever found the experience of Christ's work in their hearts."