"Then Abram fell on his face, and God talked with him, saying . . . "
This little verse (above) contains a sweet principle: the churchman humbles himself before God; and the Lord speaks to him (or her). Our hearts are in a good frame to hear from God when we are empty of ourselves, and full of appreciation and thankfulness for Christ.
Today, let all of us who are known by God, through His grace to us in giving us faith in Jesus--humble ourselves before the Lord, and listen to His voice. If we were in church yesterday; and if we heard the gos-
pel preached to us by Christ's ministers--then we are also in a position to hear from our Savior throughout this week.
[Puritan quote of the day: "You cannot gratify Satan more, nor injure yourselves more, than by living without assurance [of God's favor in Christ]." --Thomas Brooks, in, "Heaven on Earth"]