" . . . for as I [Paul] was passing through and considering the objects of your [the Athenians'] worship, I even found an altar with this in-
scription: TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Therefore, the One whom you wor-
ship without knowing, Him I proclaim to you . . . "
This is an interesting verse (above) for a number of reasons. One of them is that Paul actually affirms that the Athenians *were* indeed--in their own inadequate way--"worshipping" the *True* Deity, when they honored "The Unknown God." But, more-importantly, the Apostle introduces the Athenians to the One and Only God through his preach-
ing (or proclamation).
So it is that we also live in a day in which sinners worship a whole host of idols, (cf. v. 16 of Acts, ch. 17). Some of those with whom we deal would want to be sure not to "leave out" a "god," (even the True God). Let us take advantage of any opportunity we have to speak of Jesus to them--for only in Him do they (or we) have access to the only God who made heaven and earth.
[Puritan quote of the day: "You cannot gratify Satan more, nor injure yourselves more, than by living without assurance [of God's favor in Christ]." --Thomas Brooks, in, "Heaven on Earth"]