Yippee--it's almost Sunday again! We *get* to go back to church!!!
In order to help set our minds aright, here are the amazing words of Martin Luther, from his phenomenal "Galatians Commentary." . . .
"There is yet another righteousness that is above all these—namely, the righteousness of faith, or Christian righteousness, which we must carefully distinguish from the other sorts mentioned above, for they are quite contrary to this righteousness, both because they flow out of the laws of rulers, the traditions of the church, and the commands of God, and also because they consist in our works and may be perform-ed by us either by our natural strength or else by God's gift. For these kinds of righteousness are also from God's gift, just as are other good things that we enjoy.
"But this most excellent righteousness—that of faith, I mean—which God imputes to us through Christ, without works—is neither political nor ceremonial, nor is it the righteousness of God's law, nor does it consist in works. It is quite the opposite; that is to say, it is passive whereas the others are active. We do nothing in this matter; we give nothing to God but simply receive and allow someone else to work in us—that is, God. Therefore, it seems to me that this righteousness of faith, or Christian righteousness, can well be called passive righteous-ness."