Hip, hip, hooray--it's almost Sunday! We *get* to go back to church again! In order to help us get ready, here is the great English Puritan pastor Thomas Watson, from his, "A Picture of a Godly Man" book. This is a really fantastic section. . . .
"Question: 'How may a Christian know that he is humble and conse-quently godly?' . . .
"Answer 8: A humble man is willing to have his name and gifts eclips-ed, so that God's glory may be increased. He is content to be outshone by others in gifts and esteem, so that the crown of Christ may shine the brighter. This is the humble man's motto: 'Let me decrease; let Christ increase.' It is his desire that Christ should be exalted, and if this is effected, whoever is the instrument, he rejoices. 'Some preach Christ out of envy,' (Php. 1:15). They preached to take away some of Paul's hearers. 'Well,' says he, 'Christ is preached; and I therein do re-joice,' (v. 18). A humble Christian is content to be laid aside if God has any other tools to work with which may bring Him more glory.
"Answer 9: A humble saint likes that condition which God sees best for him. A proud man complains that he has no more; a humble man won-ders that he has so much: 'I am not worthy of the least of all Your mercies,' (Gen. 32:10). When the heart lies low, it can stoop to a low condition. A Christian looking at his sins wonders that it is no worse with him; he does not say his mercies are small, but his sins are great. He knows that the worst piece God carves him is better than he de-serves; therefore he takes it thankfully upon his knees."