Wahoo--Sunday is almost here. In order to prepare us for the church's Sabbath worship of the resurrected Christ, here is Thomas Watson, from his, "The Ten Commandments" book:
"Obedience must be in and through Christ. ‘He has made us accepted in the Beloved,’ (Eph. 1:6). Not our obedience, but Christ’s merits pro-cure acceptance. In every part of worship we must present Christ to God in the arms of our faith. Unless we serve God thus, in hope and confidence of Christ’s merits, we rather provoke Him than please Him. As, when king Uzziah would offer incense without a priest, God was angry with him, and struck him with leprosy, (2 Chron. 26:20). So, when we do not come to God in and through Christ, we offer up in-cense to Him without a priest, and what can we expect but severe re-bukes?"