Today's encouragement comes from Psalm 119:86c, where we read these few words:
" . . . Help me!"
Sometimes the best prayers are the simplest ones. God is not con-cerned about flowery oratory in prayer. He would rather hear a few syllables of gut-wrenching honesty, than a whole bunch of religious babble (or proud utterances).
Do we need help today? Let us ask Christ for it. Let us be as specific as we can be, for our own soul's well-being; but let us not for a moment think that the Lord cannot figure out what we are trying to say--espe-cially if we are having a hard time getting the words out. Prayer is im-portant--but it is not a magical genie coming out of a bottle, and God does not hold us to any particular formulas.
[Puritan quote of the day: "There is no such thing as any inordinate-ness in holy affections; there is no such thing as excess in longings after the discoveries of the beauty of Christ Jesus . . . Men may be as covetous as they please (if I may so speak) after spiritual riches . . . " --Jonathan Edwards, in one of his sermons]