Today's encouragement comes from John 10:4, where our blessed Lord Jesus said these words:
"And when he [the Good Shepherd] brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice."
This is such a great verse (above). All pastors (and elders) should take com-fort from a text such as this one. All the truly redeemed saints *will* indeed follow their Savior, no matter how ill their hearts may be, or how lacking in knowledge, etc., they may be. And these same souls will follow the preaching and teaching of God's true undershepherds, too--because they know this is how the Good Shepherd feeds them.
Let us keep listening for Jesus' voice, and follow Him. Wherever He takes us is for our best. Christ is a *very* Good Shepherd.
[Puritan quote of the day: "The church of God shall never be so persecuted as to be cast off, utterly forsaken, and destroyed by wicked men. But the church of God shall continue to the end of the world.” --Christopher Love, in, "The Dejected Soul's Cure"]