Today's encouragement comes from Philippians 1:27b & 28a, where Paul wrote these words:
" . . . That you stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel, and not in any way terrified by your adversaries . . . "
Paul especially loved the Philippian church, largely because of their steadfast commitment to the gospel, (and consequently, to Jesus, and to him [Paul]). The church in all ages is to be united in the pursuit of Christ's gospel ends; and we are never to be afraid of those who resist (or oppress) us, as we seek to speak Jesus’ Name everywhere.
Let us Christians be bold and courageous today. So long as we love the Lord Jesus, we have no reason to be intimidated by His (or our) foes.
[Puritan quote of the day: "There is no greater sign of a rotten heart than a fundamental unsteadfastness in the covenant of God." --Richard Steele, in, "The Character of an Upright Man"]