Today's encouragement comes from Job 38:4a, where we read these words:
"Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? . . . "
Ouch. How would we like to have God ask this kind of question of us? To hear these words would humble us right down to the dust. The reality is that the Lord *does* pose to us this basic query every time we presume to know better than He does, or every time we complain about His providences (and the way they work) in our lives.
We know that we did not yet exist when God "laid the foundations of the earth." Therefore, we have no right to counsel Him on how He ought to run His universe. This one thing is for sure: we could not do a better job at it than He can do. Let all of us redeemed churchmen come to more implicitly trust our Heavenly Father, believing the best of Him always—especially based on His love for us in Christ.
[Puritan quote of the day: "Are your sins high as heaven? The mercies of God are above the heavens.” —Isaac Ambrose, in, "The Christian Warrior"]