Today's encouragement comes from Hebrews 2:9a, where we read these few words:
"But we see Jesus . . . "
Even though there are many things spoken to us by God that believers do "not see," (at least yet)—that does not matter because we "see Jesus," as per this text (above). *How* do we see Him? By the eyes of faith. The hearts and souls of faithful church Christians behold Him all the time. We "see Jesus" on the cross; and we see Him risen from the dead.
Because believers "see Jesus," we can believe God for all the other things He teaches us in His written word that we do "not see." Unbelievers are blind (spiritually). They see nothing but the dark interiors of their own spiritual eye-lids. Let us look upon Jesus in church every Sunday; and, from there, throughout the week.
[Puritan quote of the day: "And though the Son of God is the Lord and keeper of the holy angels, yet He is not their Redeemer, as He is of His Church for whom He died.” —Nathaniel Vincent, in, "A Discourse concerning Love"]