Today's encouragement comes from Luke 6:35c, where we read these words from the lips of our Lord Jesus Christ:
" . . . For He [God] is kind to the unthankful and evil."
Our Savior (quoted above) is expounding on the fact that believers are to be good to our enemies. He then shows us that His own Father is that way, to *His* foes. God's kindness to the unrepentant and unbelieving in no way ne-gates His righteous judgment of them—but it does speak of His insatiable benevolence to *all* of His creation.
Let us who by grace are known by God through faith in the Lord Jesus *not* be "unthankful," or "evil." Instead, let us be filled with gratitude and love. If our perfectly holy and righteous God can be "kind" to evil men who hate Him—then certainly *we* sinner/saints can do the same, by His sovereign grace.
[Puritan quote of the day: "Faith is a mighty work of the Spirit of God in the soul that causes the soul to roll and cast itself on the free grace of God in Christ, venturing itself and all its hopes for good and happiness on Him.”
—Jeremiah Burroughs, in, "Gospel Remission"]