Yippee—Sunday is *almost* here! In order to prepare us for the church's wor-ship of The Holy Trinity, here is Thomas Watson, from his "Art of Divine Con-tentment" gem:
"Discontent is accompanied with unthankfulness. Because we have not all we desire, we never mind the mercies which we have. . . . So ungratefully do we deal with God. We can be content to receive mercies from God, but if He crosses us in the least thing, then, through discontent, we grow touchy and impatient, and are ready to fly upon God. Thus God loses all His mercies. We read in Scripture of the thank-offering; the discontented person cuts God short of this; the Lord loses His thank-offering. A discontented Christian re-pines in the midst of mercies, as Adam who sinned in the midst of paradise."