Happy Reformation Day!
Today's encouragement comes from 2 Kings 13:23, where we read these words:
"But the LORD was gracious to them, had compassion on them, and regard-ed them, because of His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and would not yet destroy them or cast them from His presence."
This is a sweet verse (above). The reason the redeemed church is secure, and is not subject to the judgment we all deserve, is because of God's cove-nant with us in our Lord Jesus Christ. The Father beholds the blood of Jesus’ atonement of His elect church, and He is satisfied that His righteous wrath against our sin is fully and justly expended (on Christ, His beloved Son).
Let us in the church never abuse or take for granted this great and unspeak-able privilege. Instead, let us make sure that our hearts are full of love for God—blessing and thanking Him for His kindness and generosity to us (in Christ).
[Puritan quote of the day: "For want of hearts full of love [for God], men have heads full of error.” —Thomas Watson, in, "All Things for Good"]