Praise God: Sunday is almost here! So as to help us prepare for the church's Sabbath worship of God, consider these words from Thomas Watson's book, "All Things for Good":
"It is one heart-quieting consideration in all the afflictions that befall us, that God has a special hand in them: 'The Almighty has afflicted me,' (Ruth 1:21). Instruments can no more stir till God gives them a commission, than the axe can cut of itself without a hand. Job eyed God in his affliction: therefore, as Augustine observes, he does not say, 'The Lord gave, and the devil took away’; but, 'The Lord has taken away.' Whoever brings an affliction to us, it is God that sends it.
"Another heart-quieting consideration is, that afflictions work for good. . . . 'It is good for me that I have been afflicted.' (Psalm 119:71). This text, like Moses’ tree cast into the bitter waters of affliction, may make them sweet and wholesome to drink. Afflictions to the godly are medicinal. Out of the most poisonous drugs God extracts our salvation."