Today's encouragement comes from Psalm 111:2, where we read these words:
"The works of the LORD are great, studied by all who have pleasure in them."
God's works are remarkable indeed. Consider the far-flung universe. Who created all those galaxies and stars, etc.? God. But the creation of one hu-man being is more significant than *all* the non-rational creation put together. Still, greater than the work of the making of man, is the labor of God through Christ, by which He procured His church's salvation.
The work of Jesus on the cross, and in His glorious resurrection—is God's glorious "magnum opus," and eternal masterpiece. We contribute *no* work to our salvation. God does it all—even "against the grain" of our natural rebel-lion and disdain for Him. Creation is the work of the Lord's “fingers.” Re-demption in Christ is the work of His "arm."
[Puritan quote of the day: "God, in the sentence of justification, pronounces a man perfectly righteous, or else he would need a further justification after he is justified.” —Jonathan Edwards, in, "Justification by Faith Alone"]