Monday, February 3, 2020

Mon., 2/3/20 Devotion (Rom. 6:14)

Today's encouragement comes from Romans 6:14, where we read these words:

"For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace."

What is intriguing about this Pauline phrase (above), is how revolutionary, and counter-intuitive it is.The apostle is telling the faithful members of the church in Rome that sin *would* have dominion over their souls *if* they *were* "under the law." But, since they are *not* "under the law," but rather "under grace," sin does *not* have dominion over them. And all of this is be-cause of Christ and His work on our behalf.

“Law”-righteousness is the surest way to slavery. On the other hand, “Christ”-righteousness in His grace, is the only avenue to true freedom. So, how does a serious Christian churchman remain "under grace," and not get caught up in the law again? Through abiding *faith* in Jesus.

[AUGUSTINE quote of the day: “As God by the excellence of His nature sur-passes every creature, so does the soul surpass every corporeal creature.” —from, “The Literal Meaning of Genesis,” Bk. 7.]