Praise God—Sunday is almost here. We GET to go back to church again!
There were many wonderful Christian people—both black and white—in the Southern States, between the years of 1861-65. Among them was the indom-itable Thomas Jonathan (“Stonewall”) Jackson. He was a great lover of Christ, an admirable Presbyterian (and Deacon), and a devotee of the Lord’s Day. His statues, like that of the great Robert E. Lee, are being torn down in these dark days by ignorant fools. But in a more enlightened era to come, they will all most certainly go back up again.
To inspire us for this Sunday’s worship, here is an excerpt from one of Jack-son’s many letters to his wife. This was written during the war, as revival swept through the camp of Jackson’s men. Dr. Stiles, referred to below, was one of the army chaplains. . . .
“Dr. Stiles’ text was 1 Tim. 2:5-6. It was a powerful exposition of the Word of God; and when he came to the word ‘himself’ he placed an emphasis upon it, and it gave it a force which I had never felt before, and I realized that, truly, the sinner who does not, under Gospel privileges, turn to God deserves the agonies of perdition. . . . It is a glorious thing to be a Minister of the Gospel of the Prince of Peace. There is no equal position in this world."