Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Tues., 6/23/20 Devotion (Isa. 55:6)

Today's encouragement comes from Isaiah 55:6, where we read these great words:

"Seek the LORD while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near."

God is to be found in Jesus Christ. The Messiah came "near" in His incarna-tion, in redemptive history. Christ is found when the Holy Spirit brings convic-tion of sin to our souls, and we are the recipients of Jesus' righteousness (and cleansing). The Redeemer draws near to His church every Sunday, in the Worship Service—especially through the ordinances of the preaching of the Word, and the Sacraments (of baptism and the Lord's Supper).

When we hear the call of God, inviting us to come near to Him—let us not fail to avail ourselves of such a gracious offer. There will come a time for the wicked, when God may not be found by them, forever.

[Puritan quote of the day: "He who does not love God is a beast with a man's head.” —Thomas Watson, in, "All Things for Good"]