Praise God—Sunday is almost here. In order to help us prepare for church worship, here is Jonathan Edwards, from his sermon entitled, “Christ Is the Christian’s All.” . . .
"Thus there is in Christ Himself a fullness of that light, holiness, and grace that we need. We are told in John 1:16 that it is of His fullness that we re-ceive. The Christian is what he is as a Christian in no other way than as he is a member of Christ's body. He receives life and holiness from Christ as his Head, and as he is a branch in the Vine [Jn. 15:5]."There is a vital union between Christ and the believer; the believer lives by Christ's life. And therefore the apostle says in Galatians 2:20: 'I live, yet not I, but Christ lives in me.' Christ is said to be the believer's life in Colossians 3:4: 'When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then we shall appear with Him in glory.' Thus all that the Christian is, he is in and by Christ."