Thank God—it is almost The Lord's Day (Sunday)! In order to help get us ready for church, here is Thomas Watson, in his book, "The Lord's Prayer":
"The old serpent [Satan] either distracts people from the use of God's means [of grace], or he makes them make mistakes in the use of them.“Satan seeks to distract us from our duty—from praying and hearing [ser-mons]—in order to discourage us; and, in attempting to accomplish this, he has some tricks:
"He discourages us from our duty by suggesting to us our unworthiness—that we are not worthy to approach God, or to have any tokens of His love and favor. True, we are sinful, and God is holy, ‘so,’ Satan would suggest, 'how dare you presume to bring your impure offering to God[!]' That we should act-ually see ourselves as unworthy in ourselves, is a good thing, and demon-strates humility; but to think we should not approach God because of un-worthiness, is a conclusion of the devil's making. God says, 'Come, though unworthy.’
"By this temptation, the devil keeps many from coming to the Lord's Table. 'Oh,' says he, 'this is a solemn ordinance, and requires much holiness: how dare you so unworthily come[!] You will eat and drink unworthily.' Thus, as Saul kept the people from eating honey [in the OT], so the devil by this tempt-ation, scares many from this ordinance, which is sweeter than honey and the honeycomb."