Thank God—Sunday is almost upon us! Here is Thomas Watson, from "All Things for Good”—to help us get ready for the church's Sabbath worship. . . .
"The Word is the instrumental cause of our conversion, the Spirit is the effici-ent cause. The ministers of God are only the pipes and organs; it is the Spirit speaking in them, that effectually changes the heart. 'While Peter spoke, the Holy Spirit fell on all them that heard the word,' (Acts 10:44)."It is not the farmer's hard work in plowing and sowing, that will make the ground fruitful, without the early and latter rains. So it is not the seed of the Word that will effectually convert, unless the Spirit puts forth His sweet influ-ence, and drops as rain upon the heart. Therefore the aid of God's Spirit is to be implored, that He would put forth His powerful voice, and awaken us out of the grave of unbelief."