Today's encouragement comes from the words of Hebrews 6:19 & 20a, which say this:
"This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which enters the Presence behind the veil, where the forerunner has entered for us, even Jesus . . . "The hope of believing Christian churchmen is as tied to the Person of Jesus Christ, as was the rope that they used to tie to the high priest in the old cove-nant, when he entered the Holy of Holies (for fear that he would die in there, and they would not be able to get him out). When we, God's people, are af-flicted, and tossed and turned on the sea of a world of sin and rebellion—we are always tethered to the Rock, which cannot be moved.
If Christ is our "forerunner," then we will inevitably end up where He is. He is our only Hope. There is no hope to be found anywhere else.
[Puritan quote of the day: "Keep your ear open to God and shut out sin; deaf-en your ears to the lies of the slanderer and the heretic. Do not let him have your ear who comes to rob you of your heart.” —Thomas Watson, in his ser-mon, "The Spiritual Watch"]