Praise God—it is almost Sunday again. We *get* to go back to church! In or-der to help get us ready for Divine Worship, here is Richard Sibbes, from his, "The Bruised Reed" classic. . . .
"This also shows that those are misled that make Christ to be only our righte-ousness but not our sanctification. . . . It is a great part of our happiness to be under such a Lord, who was not only born for us, and given to us; but has the government likewise upon His shoulder (Isa. 9:6, 7). He is our Sanctifier as well as our Savior. . . .“ . . . The first and chief ground of our comfort is that Christ as a priest offered Himself as a sacrifice to His Father for us. The guilty soul flies first to Christ crucified, made a curse for us. Thence it is that Christ has the right to govern us; thence it is that He gives us His Spirit as our guide to lead us home."