Today's encouragement comes from Isaiah 43:10b, where we read these words:
"Before Me there was no God formed, nor shall there be after Me."Sometimes children ask, "Who made God?" No one made God, because God is in a unique category of existence—"necessary” existence. This is some-thing that no other reality shares with Him (The Triune Deity). But the Scrip-ture's teaching about God's aseity and eternality is not given to us so that we may have interesting philosophical knowledge and discussions—instead, it is bequeathed to us to spur us on to trust Him in the Lord Jesus, the very One who became one of us.
Let us humbly accept the obvious fact that a God exists; and then let us go much further than that, and believe His gospel of grace in our precious Lord Jesus Christ.
[Puritan quote of the day: "A repenting person fears and sins not; a graceless person sins and fears not.” —Thomas Watson, in, "The Doctrine of Repent-ance"]