Today's encouragement comes from Isaiah 50:2b, where we read these words:
" . . . Is My hand shortened at all that it cannot redeem? Or have I no power to deliver? . . . “Sometimes we are tempted to think that our worst struggles *really are* be-yond the reach, even of God Himself. But, in truth, are any our trials too hard for the Lord? They are not. We might be asking, "If this is the case, then why has He not answered my prayers, and relieved me of my particular burden?”
. . . This is a legitimate question. Only God knows the answer (absolutely). But, it is certain that the Lord allows us to continue with certain difficulties for our good. Perhaps these things "ballast" our souls, and keep us humble. Without doubt, they are designed by God to cause us to always have to rely on Christ and His grace. Surely, this is the best way for us to look at it.
[Puritan quote of the day: "To suppose a man is justified by his own virtue or obedience derogates [takes away from] the honor of the Mediator
[Christ] . . . “ —Jonathan Edwards, in "Justification By Faith Alone"]