"The land shall not be sold permanently, for the land is Mine; for you are strangers and sojourners with Me."
What struck me about this verse is this phrase that says that we are "sojourners with [God]." Isn't that a neat thought? As we traverse this sod down here, the Lord Himself is with us. This is the "Immanuel" principle, that we celebrate relative to Christ's incarnation (on our behalf).
God owns the world, and He has purchased His church from within it. We are "strangers and sojourners" here--but we have already been given a permanent home (in Christ). Let us take comfort and encouragement from the fact that our Savior is with us through thick and thin.
[Puritan quote of the day: "You will certainly be accepted of the Father if your soul lays hold of Jesus Christ." --Jonathan Edwards, in the book, "On Knowing Christ"]