"God's knowledge is infallible; there is no mistake in His knowledge. Human knowledge is subject to error. A physician may mistake the cause of a disease; but God's knowledge is unerring; He can neither deceive, nor be deceived. He cannot deceive, because He is truth, nor be deceived, because He is wisdom. God's knowledge is instantaneous. Our knowledge is successive, one thing after another. We argue from the effect to the cause. God knows things past, present, and to come, 'uno intuito,' at once; they are all before Him in one entire prospect.
"God's knowledge is retentive; He never loses any of His knowledge. He has 'reminiscentia,' as well as 'intelligentia'; He remembers as well as understands. Many things elapse out of our minds, but God's know-
ledge is eternized. Things transacted a thousand years ago, are as fresh to Him as if they were done but the last minute. Thus He is per-
fect in knowledge."