Wahoo--it's almost Sunday. We GET to go back to church again! In or-der to help us get ready, here is Martin Luther, from his wonderful preface to his "Galatians" commentary. . . .
"Seeing, then, that sin has no place here, there can be no anguish of conscience, no fear, no heaviness. That is why St. John says, 'Anyone born of God does not continue to sin,' (1 John 5:18). But if there is any fear or grief of conscience, it is a sign that this righteousness has been withdrawn, that grace is hidden, and that Christ is darkened and out of sight. But where Christ is truly visible, there must be full and perfect joy in the Lord, and the conscience is at peace and thinks, 'Al-though I am a sinner by the law and under the condemnation of the law, I still do not despair and do not die, because Christ lives, and He is my righteousness and my everlasting life.' In that righteousness and life I have no sin, no fear, no sting of conscience, no worry about death. I am indeed a sinner, as far as this present life and righteous-ness are concerned, as I am a child of Adam; where the law accuses me, death reigns over me and wants to ultimately devour me. But I have another righteousness and live above this life—Christ the Son of God, who knows no sin or death but is righteousness and eternal life. By Him, this body of mine that is dead will be raised up again and de-livered from the bondage of the law and sin and will be sanctified to-gether with my spirit."