Today's encouragement comes from 1 Samuel 3:18b, where we read these words:
"And he [Eli] said, 'It is the LORD. Let Him do what seems good to Him.' "
Eli had received bad news, regarding how God was going to handle his rebellious house--and yet Eli's response is one of faith and submission. It is always best for us, that God does "what seems good to Him," even if it means chastisement for us.
What are we going through today? Can we also say, "It is the Lord--let Him do what seems good to Him"? If we can, we are blessed people, indeed.
[Puritan quote of the day: "The devil is the most sullen spirit there is, and yet the most proud." --Jeremiah Burroughs, in, "The Excellency of a Gracious Spirit"]