Today's encouragement comes from Psalm 6:2, where David wrote these heart-felt words:
"Have mercy on me, O LORD, for I am weak; O LORD, heal me, for my bones are troubled."
It is a great blessing when we are brought to "the end" of ourselves. To be made to have to "feel" the true religion is no small favor (from God). Oftentimes, the only way this can happen is through trial, tribulation, and even failure. The believer who now realizes that he or she has no resources in oneself, is suddenly in a position to experience a life of grace (in Christ).
Are we weak today? Let us go to the only One who can give us strength. He will heal us, and have mercy on us, in Jesus.
[Puritan quote of the day: "A true Christian grows in beauty. Grace is the best complexion of the soul. It is, at the first planting, like Rachel: fair to look upon, but, the more it lives, the more it sends forth its rays of beauty." --Thomas Watson, in, "The Art of Divine Contentment"]