Today's encouragement comes from Matthew 3:15, where we see these words:
"But Jesus answered and said to him [John the Baptist], 'Permit it [Christ’s baptism] to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.' Then he [John] allowed Him."
This is an amazing text. The holy, perfect, and pristine Son of God deigns to be baptized, and to identify Himself fully with His church—and, in the process of doing so, He joins Himself to His ministers, and says, "It is fitting for *us* to fulfill all righteousness."
Let us marvel that God is SO committed to His church, that He not only con-descends to us, in sending His precious Son Jesus—but that He (through Christ) also *binds* Himself to us, in the holy church covenant.
[Puritan quote of the day: "What Satan did in tempting man to fall is made an occasion of the contrary to what he intended in that it gave occasion for God to glorify Himself all the more, and gives occasion for the elect being brought to higher happiness.” —Jonathan Edwards, in his sermon, "The Wisdom of God"]