Today's encouragement comes from Genesis 17:3, where we read these words:
"Then Abram fell on his face, and God talked with him, saying . . . "
This little verse (above) contains a sweet principle: as the Christian church-man humbles him- or herself before God, the Lord speaks to him (or her). Our hearts are in a good frame to hear from God when we are full of the Person and Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ.
“Closet” prayer throughout the week is precious. “Covenant” prayer in the church’s Sunday Services ushers us into it (“closet” prayer). But both contexts for prayer should find us in a humble state of mind and heart. After all: we have no righteousness of our own. *All* of our righteousness is of Christ alone. This should embolden us; but it also ought to keep us low (in our own eyes).
[Puritan quote of the day: "You cannot gratify Satan more, nor injure your-selves more, than by living without assurance [of God's favor in Christ].”
—Thomas Brooks, in, "Heaven on Earth"]