Today's encouragement comes from Genesis 30:2a, where we read these few words:
"And Jacob’s anger was aroused against Rachel, and he said, 'Am I in the place of God . . . ?' "
Sometimes we foolishly expect of human beings (fallen ones, nonetheless) what only God can do and provide. When people "idolize" other mortals, they are, in essence, saying, "You are my god; now act like it." When sinners fail us, we sometimes blame them for not being able to carry-out what they were never created to perform (in the first place).
Only the true God, as He is known in Jesus Christ, can satisfy us; and do what no one else can do—namely, give us life, happiness, and purpose.
[Puritan quote of the day: "The heart of man is deceitful above all things, a bundle of deceit; and man himself is a proud creature, and very apt to have high conceits of himself.” —Christopher Love, in, "The Mortified Christian"]