Today's encouragement comes from Psalm 20:7 & 8, where David wrote these words:
"Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God. They collapse and fall, but we rise and stand upright." (ESV)
Everybody trusts in something, or someone; and implicitly believes that this entity will save them from all their troubles. Money is a favorite “god”—since it is perceived as one that can deliver people from all kinds of problems. Power is a popular deity too, as David avers above (in v. 7a). But these things, and all other idols, religiously-based or otherwise, are powerless when it comes to saving the soul, or delivering one from death.
Only the True God, in the Lord Jesus Christ, can do that. This is why all idol-aters "collapse and fall"; and why all sincere churched Christ-lovers "rise and stand upright." May we truly trust in the Living and Risen Lord Jesus today, and enjoy the good results thereof.
[Puritan quote of the day: "[God] can do with His creatures as He pleases. Who shall dispute with God? Who shall ask Him a reason for His actions?”
—Thomas Watson, in, "A Body of Divinity"]