Today's encouragement comes from Hebrews 2:5, where we read these words:
"For He [God] has not put the world to come, of which we speak, in subjection to angels."
If God has not subjected His creation to angels, then just to *whom* has He done so—so that they would steward and govern it (under Him)? If you said, “mankind,” then you got the answer right. But God did not give (His new cre-ation) to all the members of the human race. Rather, He bequeathed it to those who constitute the body of Christ, His true church. The original creation was indeed placed under all mankind in general; but we messed it all up, in Adam’s sin. The new creation is placed under the God-MAN, Jesus; and all who are His share in His dominion.
Angels are important; and they have many tasks to perform. But the Second Person of the Holy Trinity did not become an angel. Instead, He became a man.
[Puritan quote of the day: "You that are weak, and are full of doubts, should go and lean upon those who are strong and who have full assurance.”
—William Bridge, in, "A Lifting Up for the Downcast"]