Thursday, April 2, 2020

Thurs., 4/2/20 Devotion (Ps. 4:8)

Today's encouragement comes from Psalm 4:8, where we read these words:

“In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for You alone, O LORD make me dwell in safety."

These (above) are comforting words for faithful churchmen today. Whereas the entire unregenerate world has very good cause for a lack of peace and sleeplessness—the covenanted lover of God in Jesus Christ may slumber unencumbered, knowing that he or she “dwell[s] in safety."

The precious doctrine of covenantal protection of the true church, as per the famous words of Ps. 91, does not mean that sometimes God’s own true peo-ple are not afflicted by the ills that befall the rest of the world. Sometimes this does happen; but even when it does, the true believer in Jesus has no ulti-mate cause for alarm or concern.

[Quote about Stonewall Jackson: “In the autumn of 1855, Jackson began, on his own, a Sunday School for local [black people].” —from Vandiver’s, “Mighty Stonewall”]