Thank God—it is almost Sunday! Here is Thomas Watson, on the subject of God's knowledge of all things, (from "A Body of Divinity"):
"God's knowledge is infallible; there is no mistake in His knowledge. Human knowledge is subject to error. A physician may mistake the cause of a dis-ease; but God's knowledge is unerring; He can neither deceive, nor be de-ceived. He cannot deceive, because He is Truth, nor be deceived, because He is Wisdom. God's knowledge is instantaneous. Our knowledge is succes-sive, one thing after another. We argue from the effect to the cause. God knows things past, present, and to come, 'uno intuito,' at once; they are all before Him in one entire prospect [view]."God's knowledge is retentive; He never loses any of His knowledge. He has 'reminiscentia,' as well as 'intelligentia'; He remembers as well as under-stands. Many things lapse out of our minds, but God's knowledge is eterniz-ed. Things transacted a thousand years ago, are as fresh to Him as if they were done but a minute ago. Thus He is perfect in knowledge."